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Customer Responsibility Contract


These terms and conditions are a contract between the Ceremony Couple and FREMONT WEDDING LLC of Las Vegas, NV (" dba The Little Neon Chapel; dba Fremont Wedding Chapel"). Paying a deposit or any monies is considered acceptance of these terms and conditions and accepting this contract in electronic format is the equivalent of signing a paper contract with FREMONT WEDDING LLC. We are very excited that you have chosen FREMONT WEDDING LLC for your wedding. Below is very important information, which will help make your day as stress free and seamless as possible. Please read these terms and conditions carefully as all paid monies become non-refundable upon booking and are considered a Final Sale.




The doors to the chapel open 30 minutes prior to the scheduled ceremony time for the “Ceremony Couple” and ALL guest to arrive and check-in. For 10:00am ceremonies, please be 15 minutes early. Upon arriving at the Chapel, you (the Ceremony Couple) will meet together with your Minister, A Wedding Coordinator and The Photographer (If Included in Package) to go over your ceremony and any outstanding balances. It is very important to arrive 30 minutes prior to the ceremony time because we often host more than one wedding in a day and it is very likely there may be another wedding scheduled immediately before or after yours (Late arrival/ Rescheduling fees applies – No Exceptions). Please note your ceremony will still end at its originally scheduled time, even if it starts late.

If you wish to remain separated before the ceremony, you MUST pre-arrange this with the Chapel prior the ceremony date. The Chapel must be prepared to keep you in different locations and ensure that you do not see one another before the ceremony and enough time is blocked. This is an optional upgrade, but it must be added and paid for prior to your ceremony. Please talk to your Wedding Coordinator for details. 


Changes to Your Wedding Plan


Planning a wedding is an exciting time, and a very personal experience. Each couple is unique in their desires and vision for their special day. We at FREMONT WEDDING LLC, in an effort to preserve your individual vision, will not allow any changes of any nature to your plan, by anyone other than the two of you, our couple, as named in your profile, without the written consent of at least one primary party to the plan. This includes, but is not limited to: change of date, time, venue, upgrades,  additional products and/or services, deletion of products and/or services, and/or any aspect of the ceremony process itself.

Please Note that Downgrades in packages are not permitted once booked. Upgrades are allowed only if our schedule permits. Upgrades are NOT guaranteed.


Floral Orders


If you would like to order flowers for your party, or if you would like something other than the floral arrangements included in your ceremony plan please talk to your Wedding Coordinator for assistance and details.

We ask that you confirm your final floral order no later than (3) days prior to your ceremony. If you decide to make last minute changes where your flowers have already been made, there will be additional fees to remake or change your floral specifications. In the event you do not update your flowers at or before the (3) day deadline, we will default to using red roses.

Please note that we do not accept deliveries or hold flowers from an outside vendor if you chose to order in your own flowers.

No Fresh Rose Petals or Glitters are permitted inside the chapel as they do stain our floors and carpet. Cleaning Fee will apply.


Photos/ Filming


FREMONT WEDDING LLC embraces privacy and copyrights laws. With cell phones and technology so readily available, it’s tempting for guests to have their phones or cameras out in attempt to capture the event. We have found that this greatly diminishes the quality of the professional photography and videography provided by the Chapel. We believe that your family and friends should be able to sit back and enjoy your ceremony while letting the professionals work. In order for us to provide the best possible ceremony and copyrights purposes we ask that guests not use any video or camera devices inside the chapel (including Entrance/Gazebo). The Ceremony Couple is responsible to inform their guests of those rules prior the ceremony and are responsible for any additional fees that will apply.


COUPLES PHOTOS / VIDEO: All photography & videography taken are done in-house by our photographer & videographer of the ceremony couple only. If time permits, additional photos of guests will be taken (photographer discretion) which will be available to purchase after the ceremony. Photos taken are chosen by our photographer only (standard chapel poses).


PHOTOS PICKUP: All Photos & Videos are available for pickup after Three (3) business days on a CD. We do offer Photo expedite and digital transfer services for additional fees. Please contact the chapel to arrange the expedited service.


PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS SESSION: We understand photography is an important part of your wedding day! If you are interested in additional poses and special photography requests, we offer World-Class Photographers for additional fee. Contact your wedding coordinator for information.


GUESTS PHOTOS / FILMING: We offer two types of Guests Media Passes which also includes chapel copyrights release. Our Basic Media Pass ($75 Cell phones Only) and our Full Media Pass ($175 All Devices includes DSLR).


OUTSIDE PHOTOGRAPHERS: Outside Photography is permitted at an additional pre-paid cost. We will provide direction to the contracted photographer on rules and policies for shooting during a ceremony. The Chapel is not held liable for the quality of the photos/videos and if the contracted photographer does not follow our policies. Photographer time is limited to the Ceremony time booked. For Additional time please contact your wedding coordinator for assistance.


COPYRIGHTS: You are hereby notified that FREMONT WEDDING LLC holds all copyrights to images taken by FREMONT WEDDING LLC Photographers of you and your ceremony and as such FREMONT WEDDING LLC has permission to use, distribute, publish and otherwise use images as it so chooses without prior consent. Although, when possible, FREMONT WEDDING LLC will seek to obtain approval, you shall have no right of approval, no claim to compensation, and no claim (including without limitation, claims based upon invasion of privacy, defamation, or right of publicity) arising out of any use, alteration, blurring, distortion, faulty reproduction, illusionary effect, or other use in any composite form of your name, picture, likeness, voice, and biographical information. Individual images, individual image copyrights, and the copyrights in their entirety (with some limitations) are available for purchase. Unless otherwise indicated all images sold individually do not include copyrights. FREMONT WEDDING LLC retains the right to use any images, even those sold with copyrights, for promotional purposes.


Any photo/video products purchased are non-refundable and final. Chapel will only keep backup of the photos and videos for 90 days of the ceremony. 


Internet Broadcasting


We proudly offer Internet Viewing for your family and friends who are unable to attend your ceremony in person. Your ceremony plan indicates whether or not you have live internet broadcasting. You can add the service to any ceremony package for an additional fee.

Please note your confirmed time is when your time in the chapel begins, not necessarily when the ceremony will begin. Please advise your online guests to be patient as you meet with your Minister, Photographer and a Wedding Coordinator before the ceremony. We recommend that your guests be ready to view your ceremony fifteen (15) minutes before your confirmed ceremony time and keep the viewing screen up for at least fifteen (15) minutes after your confirmed ceremony time.


Technical Difficulties: Internet connections are not always reliable. We will do our best to broadcast your indoor ceremony live, if your package includes this service, however sometimes technical difficulties are out of our control. If your package includes the live broadcasting, and there is an issue with the live feed, we will upload your video as soon as possible and extend your online viewing time as a courtesy. Please notify your guests of this policy and ask them to continue to check the link for your broadcast if they do not see it right away.


Outdoor ceremonies do not include internet broadcasting. If your Gazebo ceremony includes a Videographer we will have the ceremony available for online viewing within twenty-four (24) hours from your ceremony time. We recommend asking your online guests to check the website for your broadcast availability or to plan to watch the ceremony on the following day.


All Internet Broadcasting are not saved and therefore do not stay online after the ceremony is completed. We highly recommend you add a Videographer to record the ceremony as well.


Ceremony Music


We offer Traditional Music to all packages that include a Ceremony for no extra charge. If your package includes “Custom Music” please bring a Bluetooth device. Packages that include custom songs are limited to Three (3) Songs only and shall not exceed 90 Seconds each. For Additional Songs and More time please contact your wedding coordinator to arrange the add-on. Fees will apply. Songs with Vulgar or Offensive lyrics are NOT permitted and will be replaced with our Traditional Songs.


Nevada State Marriage License


If you choose to have your ceremony legally recognized you MUST have a Nevada State Marriage License prior to your wedding and provide it at the time of your ceremony, or at your consultation. We are unable to perform a legally binding ceremony without a Nevada State Marriage License. Visit WEDDINGS.VEGAS for information on obtaining your marriage license.

If you do not have a Nevada State Marriage License prior to your ceremony, your ceremony will be performed as a commitment ceremony or it can be moved to a later time (pending your purchase of a Nevada State Marriage License), based on availability and subject to a change fee.


RENEWAL OF VOWS: Renewal of Vows ceremonies do not require a marriage license, but you will be asked sign a document stating that you are legally married at the chapel.


IMPORTANT: Marriage is a legally binding agreement. If either member of the Ceremony Couple shows signs of impaired judgment, then we reserve the right to delay or cancel the ceremony. Fees will apply.


Officiation Fee


All our packages do not include the mandatory “Officiation Fee” and NV Sales Tax of 8.375%. These fees are due 7 days prior to your ceremony.

  1. Traditional Weddings: $60 Officiation Fee

  2. Elvis and Mob Impersonators : $120 Officiation Fee

  3. Prince Impersonators: $150 Officiation Fee

  4. Outdoor Scenic: $150 Officiation Fee


The Impersonator and Scenic Weddings Officiation fee is in lieu of the $60 Traditional Fee. The Officiation fee covers the services of your ceremony staff, filing of the legal paperwork, ceremony preparation and cleaning of the chapel.


OUTSIDE MINISTERS: You are able to have an Outside Minister present to perform your ceremony should they be ordained and properly licensed in the State of Nevada. The fee to have an Outside Minister is to be pre-paid and is $150. We will require your Minister to bring his/her original Valid NV Officiant License prior the ceremony and a photocopy for our records. Outside Ministers must follow chapel guidelines at all times and limit their ceremony to 10 minutes only.


MINISTER FEE: We do not have any Minister Fee or Donation required. Our Ministers are either Employees of the Chapel or Contracted to perform your ceremony. All our Officiants and Contracted Officiants are verified and legal to perform ceremonies in the State of Nevada.




Gratuities are customary for any services provided, particularly in Las Vegas. Many couples wish to recognize their Ministers, Wedding Coordinators, Photographers, and Limousine Drivers with a gratuity, but are unsure of typical gratuity amounts. Below you will see what we would suggest based on Las Vegas industry standard.


CHAPEL STAFF & OFFICIANT: The suggested gratuity range in Las Vegas is $50 to $100 which is shared by the chapel staff.


LIMO DRIVER(S): For transportation provided on your wedding day, most couples choose to give $40 per ride.


Ceremony Guests


FREMONT WEDDING LLC understands how important family and friends are, especially on your wedding day. Please also understand that you (the Ceremony Couple) are our primary focus - it’s your special day! Please make guests aware that food, drinks and alcohol may not be consumed on property nor in the limousines. Also, Nevada law prohibits smoking or other forms of consumption of marijuana in a public place including on the Chapel grounds and in a moving vehicle. As a result, such behavior will not be allowed on our property and in the limousines. A cleaning fee of $250 applies in the event of spills or damages.


WAITING AREAS: Please be aware of extreme heat in Las Vegas, especially during the summer. We have a lobby area in which the Ceremony Couple may wait, but we may not have indoor waiting facilities available for your guests, especially on Saturdays.


GUEST COUNT: Our property has two ceremony locations, each able to accommodate a specific number of guests. If your guest count increases above the maximum capacity in your chosen chapel, your ceremony may be moved to a larger chapel. Please be advised some larger chapels and larger guest counts require additional fees.


LARGE GROUP FEE: All our wedding packages include up to 10 Guests for no additional charge (All Inclusive Packages are exempted). Sign & Go packages can only have up two guests as witnesses. Sign & Smile packages can only have up to four guests as witnesses.


>> Additional Guests 11 to 20 Guests = $120; 21 to 30 Guests = $180; 31 to 40 Guests = $220; Over 40 Please contact Chapel for pricing and availability.


Outdoor Gazebo Ceremonies


Even if you are having an outdoor ceremony, in our Gazebo, an indoor chapel is always reserved on your behalf in case of inclement weather and for staffing purposes. Although our Gazebo venue provides a unique location for your ceremony, please understand that this area is only semi-private. We make every effort to provide you with an intimate setting; however, we cannot control every circumstance. If, at any point before the ceremony, you prefer to host your wedding indoors, simply let the staff know and every effort will be made to accommodate you and your guests.


We will be unable to provide a “Sand Service” and “Live Broadcast” for Outdoor Ceremonies even if it is included in your package. Those Services cannot be replaced or exchanged with any other service or product we offer.


Coupons/ Discounts / Special Deals


Any coupons or discount offers must be presented at the time of your booking or before your final payment. Coupons and discounts will not be honored at a later date. Please email or mail the coupon or discount offer to your Wedding Planner so it may be applied to your plan. Coupons can only be used towards additional products or services. We cannot offer cash back.

No Coupons/Vouchers/Discounts can be used after reservation/booking is made. Please note we can't accept any deals once we have booked you. Please call us to redeem any deals prior booking online. Limited Time Offer are not guaranteed and have no monetary value therefore cannot be exchanged or refunded. All Offers are till supply lasts or till the promotion expires. Restrictions, Availability and Blackout dates applies. Management have the right to cancel all offers without prior notice. Contact your Wedding Coordinator for information.


Your Booking Payment and Rescheduling/Cancellations


BOOKING PAYMENT: The booking payment, including the required package deposit fee, is non-refundable after the booking is made during our promotional period (No Exceptions). In the case of Cancellation seven (7) days prior your ceremony the amount paid will be extendable and transferable for up to ninety (90) days from the date of original reservation.


CANCELLATIONS (Discounted & Sale Packages/Services):

All Promotional Discounted Packages are final sale and NON-Refundable under any circumstances therefore the promotional price. Once the discounted package is reserved and paid for all monies become non-refundable.


CANCELLATIONS (Full Price Packages/Services):

  1. If you cancel your ceremony within 24 hours of your reservation and 30 days prior your ceremony a FULL refund will be granted (within 5-7 Business days).

  2. If you cancel 30 days before your original confirmed date and time, we will gladly refund 50% of the full package price (within 5-7 Business days). If Less then 50% or less of the full package price is paid that amount is considered non refundable.

  3. Once within the 30 day window of the original booking date no refund will be granted under any circumstance. 


Change of Date, Time or Chapel:

1 - A Rescheduling Fee is waived: For your first change of date, time or chapel if you call more than thirty (30) days prior to your confirmed ceremony date and time.


2- Rescheduling Fee of $35 will be charged:

a) For all additional changes of date, time (after the Initial one free change).

b) For your first change of date, time or chapel if you call less than thirty (30) days prior to your confirmed ceremony date and time.

c) If your wedding must be rescheduled because you are late for your wedding or your limousine pickup; you wish to wait for late guests; you forgot your marriage license and do not wish to proceed as a commitment ceremony.

d) If you contact us within seven (7) days of your confirmed ceremony date and time, and you want to move your ceremony to another date less than seven (7) days from your original date.

e) Rescheduling will not be allowed: If you contact us within seven (7) days of your ceremony date/time and want to reschedule your ceremony to another date more than seven (7) days from the original date and time. If you need to reschedule under these circumstances, you must purchase an entirely new ceremony plan as we will have already prepared for your ceremony with staff, products and services.

f) No Show / No Call: All monies paid will be forfeited with no refunds accepted. Balance of package and officiation fee will be due by invoice within 48 hours of ceremony. A New Booking and Deposit will be needed to reserve a new date.


HOLIDAY FEE: a holiday fee of $75 will be applied to the starting Traditional package for the following days: Valentine’s Day, Fourth of July, Christmas Day, April Fool’s Day, New Year’s Eve & Day and ANY DAY deemed special by the Chapel. Contact your Wedding Planner directly to verify if the fee applies to your chosen wedding date.​


Payments and Balance Due


In order to give you the special day you are hoping for, we require that your balance be paid seven (7) days prior to your ceremony. If you have a balance seven (7) days prior to your ceremony and we do not hear from you and/or cannot get a hold of you, it is possible that your ceremony, or additional products and services, may be cancelled. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, each of which will incur a nominal processing fee of seven (7) dollars. We do not accept personal checks.

All payments made within seven (7) days of your ceremony and after your ceremony has completed are non-refundable.


Personal Vows


You are more than welcome to write your Personal Vows to each other for your ceremony! These Vows do have a 2 minutes limit to be certain we stay within the ceremony timeline. No Vulgar or obscene personal vows will be allowed. Vows exceeding the 2 minutes limit or Vows no submitted on time will not be approved.


Luxury Vehicle Transportation


In compliance with safety regulations, our luxury vehicles will gladly transport up to six (6) passengers, including the Ceremony Couple. Everyone riding in the limo MUST be picked up at the same location. Our limousines are limited to one (1) pickup location, and one (1) drop off location on the Las Vegas "Strip" or Downtown on Fremont Street. If you need additional luxury Vehicle for your party, please contact your wedding coordinator. Our Luxury Vehicles cannot travel to the airport or to residences. In all Scenic packages the limit is four (4) passengers, including the Ceremony Couple. If you are traveling with a child (or children) who require a child safety seat, we recommend that you provide the seat(s) best suited for your child(ren). We do not provide children/infant seats. We do ask that you install the car seat in the vehicle. Due to safety regulations Drivers are not permitted to assist in the installation of the seats.


It is important that you are dressed for your ceremony, ready, and waiting at designated location 15 minutes before pick-up time. Your driver will call you in you to confirm your exact pickup time and location. Please have your cell phone with you and sounds turned. Standard pickup is one (1) hour prior ceremony scheduled time unless told differently by your Wedding Coordinator.


We are unable to make exceptions to our Luxury Vehicle Policy. If you choose to not follow these instructions, it is important that you understand how this may impact your wedding day:


If you are not at the designated location when the driver calls with instructions, and we cannot locate you, or if you fail to follow the instructions given by your driver, you may miss your Luxury Vehicle pickup and it will be cancelled (No refund). We also may be forced to reschedule your ceremony to the next available time. Keep in mind, the next available time may be the following day. Drivers are instructed to wait no more than 5 minutes from the agreed time of pickup. Please review our Rescheduling and Cancellation Policies.


The Luxury Vehicle service part of any package are NON-Exchangeable and NON-Refundable. All Luxury Vehicle services must be booked NO Later than 72 hours prior your Ceremony Date. No Last-Minute Limousine services can be provided. 


Late Arrival


CEREMONY COUPLE: We recommend selecting a package that includes courtesy Luxury Vehicle service to and from the Chapel. If you choose to arrive on your own, please arrive at least thirty (30) minutes prior to your ceremony time and check-in at the chapel. If you arrive late, your ceremony may be rescheduled to the next available time. Keep in mind, the next available time may be the following day. A possible $35 rescheduling fee will apply. Please review our Rescheduling and Cancellation Policies below.


GUESTS: If your guests arrive late, we cannot "hold" a ceremony from starting. Once the ceremony starts, late guests may not enter the chapel. If you choose not to proceed with your ceremony because of late guests we will reschedule your ceremony to the next available time, and the rescheduling fee of $35 will apply. Keep in mind, the next available time may be the following day. Please review our Rescheduling and Cancellation Policies below.


Arbitration of Disputes


In the event there are any disputes or controversies that arise between the parties pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid Contract and Services, then the parties are waiving their right to litigate these issues in court and instead elect to have these disputes resolved through arbitration. The parties agree that any disputes are to be arbitrated through the American Arbitration Association and that the parties agree to abide by the rules of the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. WHEREFORE, it is agreed that all claims and disputes arising or relating to the Contract or Services are to be settled by binding arbitration in the State of Nevada. Said arbitration is to be resolved through the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association and the parties agree to abide by these rules. Any decision or award as a result of any such arbitration shall be issued in writing and the arbitrator shall be mutually selected pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any arbitration award may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction.


Data Security


To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. 




Customer represents and agrees that the terms and amount of this Agreement are considered confidential and will not be communicated to any third party.




Ceremony Couple agrees not to make any statements, written or verbal, or cause or encourage others to make any statements, written or verbal, that defame, disparage, or in any way criticize or cast in a negative light the personal or business reputation, practices, or conduct of the Company or its affiliated companies or any of their officers, agents, directors, supervisors, employees or representatives. Ceremony Couple acknowledges and agrees that this prohibition extends to statements, written or verbal, made to anyone, including but not limited to, the news media, investors, potential investors, any board of directors or advisory board or directors, industry analysts, competitors, strategic partners, vendors, representatives, potential customers, and clients, whether or not any such statement would be privileged. Furthermore, Ceremony Couple acknowledges and agrees that pursuant to this prohibition he/she will not provide, create, or assist in the creation of any disparaging content or statements regarding Company to any internet source, website, forum, message board, or the like, regardless of whether or not any of the Parties owns or operates any such source or website. Ceremony Couple are always encouraged to contact FREMONT WEDDING LLC management for assistance to resolve any service issues .


Chargeback Reimbursement


In case of a contract breach and a chargeback claim made against FREMONT WEDDING LLC after services been reserved. The Ceremony Couple agrees to reimburse FREMONT WEDDING LLC , regardless of completion of Service of all Legal Fees, Outstanding Fees, Consultants Time and a one-time Chargeback Fee of $100 to be paid No later then Three (3) days from request. Additional fees will incur for any delays in the excess of Twenty (20) Dollars per additional day not to exceed a total of $500 per claim. Contact FREMONT WEDDING LLC prior any chargeback request to assist you with any issues and to clarify any questions.




FREMONT WEDDING LLC is not responsible or liable for any items left in or around the Chapel and the surrounding grounds or vehicles, and any damage of property or vehicles. FREMONT WDDING LLC is not responsible nor liable for fire, flood, vandalism, lost mail, or any accident that may arise. FREMONT WEDDING LLC is not responsible nor liable for any damaged or lost marriage licenses, photos, videos, or storage devices. These terms of service are subject to change without any prior notification. Anything not listed in the terms of service is open to interpretation and change by FREMONTWEDDING LLC without prior notice. Lastly, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

By signing or attaching your electronic signature, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the following terms and conditions. I understand & agree this is a legal representation of my signature.



Our Terms and Conditions and FREMONT WEDDING LLC Customer Responsibility Contract is Non-Negotiable and Final.




450 Fremont Street

First Floor Suite 173

Second Floor Suite 280 & 283

Las Vegas, NV 89101

Phone: (702) 366-3663

Sun-Fri : 10 am -8:30 pm
SAT : 10 am-10 pm

Late hours holidays & busy days. Please call for details.

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